Workplace Etiquette and Resilience Building Course


  • Five (5) Day Face-to-Face workshop

Course Info

  • Face-to-Face and Supported
  • Multi-Award winning

Learning outcomes

On successfully completing and submitting the requirements of the course, you will be issued with a Statement of Attainment. This can be added to your Resume and portfolio.

Should you later choose to enrol in the full qualification, you will receive a course credit for these units. This course will provide you with the essential knowledge and skills that can boost your employability skills, giving you a more competitive edge in today’s job market and our digital world.

If you are a student looking to enrol in the course, please contact your Employment Consultant. 

What is the Workplace Etiquette and Resilience Building Course Course?

A trainer-led, face-to-face workshop that will introduce you to etiquette and resilience in the workplace.

This course will give you a more competitive edge in today’s job market by upskilling your knowledge and skills regarding managing stress, building resilience, dealing with conflicts and appropriate behaviours in the workplace.

Is this course accredited?

Yes, the course is accredited.

It can be found on under BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace and BSBXCM301 Engage in workplace communication. On successfully completing and submitting the requirements of the course, you will be issued with a Statement of Attainment. This can be added to your Resume and portfolio.

What is covered in this course?

Some of the key elements covered in this course includes:

  • Identify personal factors that may impact on wellbeing. 
  • Identify workplace factors that may impact on wellbeing 
  • Recognise relationship between personal wellbeing and identified workplace factors relevant to own role 
  • Arrange communication with supervisor 
  • Plan relevant content for communication including strategy for dealing with a negative response 
  • Select appropriate wellbeing resources applicable to own workplace 
  • Uses listening and questioning techniques to request assistance and confirm understanding 
  • Establishes relationship with relevant personnel 
  • Uses problem solving skills to address a range of issues, seeking advice of others, where necessary

Do I need to attend all days?

It is important that you attend the five (5) days of the course.

This course will run from 9am – 3.30pm each day. This will ensure you are given every opportunity to enhance and develop your knowledge and skills regarding managing stress, building resilience, dealing with conflicts and appropriate behaviours in the workplace.

Why study with us?

  • Engaging and immersive learning experience.
  • Dedicated and passionate student mentor team.

  • Our fully integrated learning management system helps you keep track of where you’re at and enables us to identify if you need additional support.

Equipment and resources

You’ll need access to the following equipment to complete this course:

  • Computer with Internet access
  • Device with in-built camera, for example a Smartphone
  • Software packages, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint (or similar)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader